Contractor Marketing: Showing Off

Awards Are Good for Sales & Marketing

by Heidi J. Ellsworth, owner, HJE Consulting

(Editor’s Note: Heidi J. Ellsworth, a graduate of the University of Portland, has been working in the roofing industry since 1993. Having held positions with EagleView® Technology Corporation, Carlisle Construction Materials, Eco-Star™, and Malarkey Roofing Products®, Ellsworth is now the founder of the roofing-focused marketing firm, HJE Consulting Group. She is also the author of Sales and Marketing for Roofing Contractors, a guide for small businesses in the roofing industry.)


Walking into any contractor’s office, there are usually several awards on display from manufacturers, as well as local, regional, and national organizations. There is nothing better than sharing the success of a job well done. Contractors have amazing roofing jobs that show off the quality and professionalism of our trade. Being able to take that project and share it with the world is a great way to market your business. By winning various awards for quality, you are validating your business in the eyes of your customers.

It can also help your business if you are recognized and awarded by manufacturers and distributors. Award winners receive press in trade magazines, on trade websites, as well as on the manufacturer’s website, which helps your public relations program. It also helps to build culture within your company because your crews are proud of their work and they feel respected when you show it off to the world.

There are many awards within the roofing industry that you can try to win. The Roofing Industry Alliance for Progress’ Most Valuable Player (MVP) Award program celebrates workers who are outstanding employees within their companies and recognizes them for their performance outside the workplace, including their charitable deeds, community involvement, challenges they’ve overcome, and their dedication and commitment to helping others. You can nominate your employee for an MVP award to formally recognize his or her outstanding contributions through on-the-job performance and workmanship or for outstanding performance and other noteworthy contributions outside the workplace. The deadline for nominations is November 16, 2018. Visit to apply.

The Gold Circle Awards program recognizes Roofing Industry Alliance for Progress (Alliance) and NRCA members for outstanding contributions to the roofing industry. Unique roofing-related jobs, programs, and services completed between June 1, 2016, and May 21, 2018, are eligible for the program. To be considered for a Gold Circle Award, Alliance and NRCA members are nominated by their peers and community for significant contributions to the roofing industry in the following categories: Outstanding Workmanship, Innovative Solutions, and Safety Preparedness and Performance. The deadline for nominations is October 12, 2018. For more information visit

The Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association (ARMA) Excellence in Asphalt Roofing, formerly Quality Asphalt Roofing Case Studies, is a recognition program that will give roofing contractors, consultants, and architects the ability to gain the national prominence that they deserve for their work with asphalt roofing. Aside from crowning three winners, this program allows anybody to share success stories, best practices, and have a chance to network and learn, while promoting the core benefits of asphalt roofing. ARMA encourages every roofing professional to submit as many entries as possible, including their small residential projects as well as large commercial roofing projects. ARMA will highlight outstanding projects, including those that use innovative roofing materials as well as excellent applications of traditional asphalt roofing materials. There is no fee to enter and the submission deadline is December 31, 2018. For more information visit

Good luck applying for awards for 2019. I look forward to seeing your company on the award stage.

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